(Himalayan Yogi)
He is a great philanthropist, worshipper of humanity and ardent disciple of Shree Sadguru Digambardas Maharaj alias Shree Maharaj.
Shri Walawalkar gave his unstinted support (in terms of body, soul & wealth) to the cause of his preceptor Shree Maharaj who was carrying out selfless humanitarian service for the welfare of the poor people through the medium Shree Sant Seetarambua Walawalkar Charities Trust and Shree Vitthalrao Joshi Charities Trust. He was a devotee of the highest order.
By profession, he was one of the very few reputed builder-industrialists of Mumbai. He maintained his unique position because of the virtues that he possessed. Even in the associated industrial circles he was highly respected because of his clean character and moral principle and values.

His intelligence,capabilities and skills were fully put to test in the development of the commercial cum residential complex named Swami Samarth Nagar.
Shri Walawalkar was born on July 29, 1930 in Mumbai. He was a graduate from Siddarth College and took up a job as an auditor in the office of Accountant General. Later on he rose to the rank of a Gazetted Officer. In 1959, he got married to Kum. Malati Sadashivrao Tendulkar. The couple had a son named Vikas.
From government job, he ventured in Construction activity. After taking the blessing from Shree Maharaj, he spared nothing in exerting his skills and knowledge and set his business on a strong foundation. He succeeded fully in his business. The credit for his extraordinary achievement goes fully to his dynamism and unadulterous faith in his preceptor.
Shree Maharaj tested Shri Walawalkar from time to time for his selflessness, humble and generous nature and then assigned to him the total financial responsibility of the various welfare projects and religious programs that were to be carried out from Shree Kshetra Dervan and Shree Sadguru Baba Maharaj Samadhi Mandir at Pune. Shri Walawalkar fulfilled successfully the expectations of his preceptor, until he breathed his last on September 10, 1995.
He spent lakhs of rupees for the cause of the welfare projects undertaken by his preceptor Shree Maharaj. At times, he had to borrow huge sums of money to ensure that his Sadguru’s work goes on smoothly. He successfully withstood the test of his dedication towards his preceptor.
After passing this test successfully there was no turnaround. Relentless efforts and intelligence brought rich dividends. His business flourished, but he always remained humble. He restrained himself from the worldly pleasures. He was simple, always sleeping on a mat and used to have simple vegetarian food. He lived in an ordinary three room flat in Dadar and never thought of shifting to a bigger and luxurious apartment. Such were his wants very limited and disciplined. Because of these characteristics, Shree Maharaj honored him with the title of a :
A Yogi from Himalayas (Himalayatil Tapasvi – Himalayan Transcendentalist)
He strongly believed that serving others is service to God and therefore was always ready to serve people humbly. He helped lot of poor people to get their daughters married. He assisted financially a number of deserving students to enable them to continue higher studies. He gave financial assistance to many poor patients for expensive surgeries such as kidney transplant, coronary by-pass and other costly operations. He disliked even a mention of his generosity. He gave donations to numerous schools, institutions and temples. But he never allowed anybody to mention his name or honor him publicly.
He was the Managing Trustee of Shree Sant Seetarambua Walawalkar Charitable Trust and Shri Vitthalrao Joshi Charities Trust which carried out the gigantic welfare projects at Dervan, Mumbai and Pune.
The creation of Shiv Samarth Gad, Shiv Samarth Mandir, Shree Swami Samarth Udyan and other various activities at Dervan was entirely due to the philanthropic and generous nature of Shri Walawalkar. This secret came to light only after the Mahasamadhi of Shree Maharaj.
Even in business, he had established value-based culture. Therefore even today people remember him with respect. He gave away at concessional rates and sometimes even at rock bottom prices, many flats to the middle class families who were helpless and could not afford them at the sky rocketing real estate prices.
Only two months before his death, Shri Walawalkar performed the Bhoomipoojan (Foundation laying Ceremony) of the Shree Vitthalrao Joshi Charities Trust’s Hospital and Diagnostic Centre at Shree Kshetra Dervan. The construction work was started immediately. He was taking keen interest under the guidance of Shree Kaka Maharaj. But the calamity occurred. Shri Walawalkar left for heavenly abode on September 10, 1995. Since the project was the determination of Shree Sadguru Digambardas Maharaj, it was bound to be completed. Shri Walawalkar’s family members, his wife Smt. Malatitai, son Shri. Vikas and daughter-in-law Sau. Mukta shouldered the responsibility and continued their financial support to complete this project. The work continued with increased speed and vigour. The inauguration of the hospital and diagnostic centre took place on February 01, 1996, exactly on the predetermined date in a grand manner under the guidance of Shree Kaka Maharaj.
To commemorate Shri Walawalkar’s memories and to pay him respect, the hospital was named as “Bhaktashreshtha Kamalakarpant Laxman Walawalkar Hospital and Diagnostic entre.”
It has a separate ward for male and females, outpatient department, most modern equipments like CT Scan, Ultrasound (Sonography), x-ray machines, well-equipped pathological laboratory etc.
This hospital has proved a blessing to the poor and down trodden people, not only of this region but also to the people of Ratnagiri Sindhudurg and Raigad districts of Maharashtra State, Western India.