The Swaroop Sampradaya (a sect, wherein the aspirant concentrates on viewing the ‘Atman‘ – the soul) has the principle by which the Preceptor takes birth to become the disciple of his own disciple in order to continue the tradition of apostles of the Swaroop Sampradaya.
In keeping with this tradition, Akkalkot Niwasi Shree Swami Samarth Maharaj took birth in the form of Shree Baba Maharaj who became the disciple of Shree Beedkar Maharaj and later the apostle of the Swaroop Sampradaya (a sect). Shree Baba Maharaj was also known as Shree Raosaheb Sahasrabuddhe alias Shree Vasudevanant Saraswati Maharaj
Birth and Education

He was born to the most devout and deeply religious couple Shri Narayanrao and Laxmibai of the family of the Sahasrabuddhe on November 14, 1883 at Hubli (Karnataka State) in Southern India and was named Ramchandra. He persued his studies in Engineering. He completed the Engineering (L.C.E.) in 1904. He joined Public Works Department in 1909. In 1906, Shree Beedkar Maharaj blessed him by placing his hand on his head and said “Raosaheb I have made you permanent”. With words, Shree Beedkar Maharaj blessed him by bestowing on him the ultimate self-realization with the help of Shaktipat. Since then, Shree Baba Maharaj always remained in a Videhi state (in a state of trance, detached from the worldly matters).
Service – Government Department
He worked in Public Works Department (Govt. of India) as Assistant Engineer and was posted at various places like Ratnagiri, Pen, Mahad, Panvel, and Nagothane (All in Maharashtra State in Western India). In 1923, he was appointed as P. A. to the Chief Architect of Mumbai. During this service, his knowledge of Engineering Science and his general intelligence was well acknowledged by his British superiors.
Shree Baba Maharaj got married upon his Preceptor’s insistence but it did not bring any change in his way of life. He used to be so much engrossed in meditation, that on one salary-day he dropped his paypacket in the hands of a beggar, standing outside his office and returned home penniless. Sometimes his wife could not cook food because she had no money to buy firewood.
Retirement from Service
Finally in 1928, he took invalid pension and retired. He came to Pune and stayed at Dhumal building in Narayan Peth Area in the vicinity of Muth (hermitage) established by his preceptor Shree Beedkar Maharaj.
Dedication to the service of the Preceptor
He used to attend the muth [temple-shrine] thrice during a day for Darshan (to pay his respects to his Preceptor). He made himself free even from traces of ego to such an extent that, he used to view the universe as manifestation of his Sadguru. He used to prostrate before everybody who even slightly reminded him of his revered Sadguru, may it be a kitten or else. His meditation would continue unperturbed in any condition of his health, let he be having fever as high as 1050 F. Once he performed the difficult and vigorous tapasya [penance] of meditating continuously for 21 days by staring at the Sun with naked eyes from sunrise to sunset.
After the death of his wife in 1945, he started getting his food from outside. Some of his devotees sometimes brought food and snacks for him and many a times that food remained untouched for several days. Then one day he would take a little from it for himself and distribute the rest to his devotees. It was a common experience that this stale food tasted like fresh food.
Supernatural Powers – Preachings
During this period, many people had the experience of the supernatural powers, which Shree Baba Maharaj possessed. By his inner vision Shree Baba Maharaj provided valuable spiritual guidance to many of his devotees and thus helped them in their spiritual pursuit.
Shree Baba Maharaj preached his devotees and his disciples thus “Look in the sky. Look at the stars. Meditate for half an hour before having your meals. See whatever appears. See as much as you can and see till the vision lasts“.
Shree Baba Maharaj would always say, “I want to bring Satya Yuga now” (the rule based on religion and justice).
The great sages like Shree Shankar Maharaj, Shree Meherbaba, Yogi Aurobindababu’s Guru Shree Lele Maharaj, Shree Shivaji Maharaj of Kolhapur (in Maharashtra State) had great respect for Shree Baba Maharaj.
Initiation of Shree Sadguru Digambardas Maharaj
In 1953, Shree Baba Maharaj blessed Shree Vitthalrao Ganesh Joshi who later on came to be known as Shree Sadguru Digambardas Maharaj, with his absolute favour and ordered him to propagate Swaroop Sampradaya
In 1954, he left his mortal coil and merged with the Nirguna Parabrahma [the Infinite Supreme Lord]. His last rites were performed on his own plot at Chatushrungi road in Pune, Maharashtra State, Western India. His disciple and apostle of Swaroop Sampradaya Shree Sadguru Digambardas Maharaj, later built the “Shree Sadguru Baba Maharaj Sahasrabuddhe Samadhi Mandir” (a temple-shrine) on that land.
Shree Baba Maharaj had promised his disciples and devotees that he would stay in the Samadhi Mandir for 1,000 years for the well being of his disciples and devotees. The devotees experience his divine presence in the premises of the Samadhi Mandir.