Shree Vitthalrao Joshi Charities Trust’s
Samartha Nursing College
(Affiliated to Maharashtra University of Health Sciences & Indian Nursing Council)
No. of seats: 20
Eligibility: 12th Science with 2 Yrs. experience
Contact Immediately:
Samartha Nursing College, A/p. Sawarda,
Taluka: Chiplun, Dist: Ratnagiri – 415 606.
Contact No. 02355 – 264137 / 264149
cell No. 98221 20900.

Samartha Nursing School
Samartha Nursing School approved by Maharashtra Nursing Council was inaugurated in February 2001. At present Auxiliary Nursing Midwifery (ANM) Course of 18 months’ duration and General Nursing Midwifery (GNM) Course (Revised) of 42 months’ duration (initiated from August 2002), are offered for which 40 students are being admitted every year. Best of the medical / educational equipment necessary for the course, a good Library of Text and Reference Books has been provided. The courses are residential and excellent arrangements have been made for accommodation of the students in Hostels with the facility of a Hygienic Mess, providing wholesome and nutritious food.