A short biography of "Shree Sadguru Baba Maharaj Sahasrabuddhe"Alias
"Shree Sadguru Vasudevananta Saraswati"

Pilgrimage To Gokarn-Mahabaleshwar

During the pilgrimage to Gokarn-Mahabaleshwar in Karnataka, Shree Baba Maharaj along with the devotees had been put up in the house of a family priest Shri Joglekar. This, Vedmurthy, Shri Joglekar was an Agnihotri.

In his house, the fire required for offering an oblation and sacrifice was being kindled by using an instrument called Arani-Mantha. But on that day, even after constantly trying for a long time, the much-needed fire could not be kindled out of the Arani instrument. But strangely enough, no sooner Shree Baba Maharaj stepped in to that place; his mere presence kindled the fire from the Arani instrument. By seeing this miracle, Vedmurthy Joglekar was so happy that he offered his heartfelt reverence to Shree Baba Maharaj.