Guru Charitra - Complete Biography of Shree Akkalkot Niwasi Swami Samarth MaharajTranslation of Hindi Book "Shree Swami Samarth Maharaj Ki Avatar Leela"

Sri Swami Samarth And Royal Personalities

Most royal personalities are often very proud and addicted to pleasures. However, there are a few royal personalities with religious devoutness as well as righteousness. Sri Swamiji was a stark naked ascetic who treated a beggar and king equally. Even then, there were some royal personalities that established contact with Sri Swamiji.

Maloji Raje

Raje saheb Maloji Raje, king of Akkalkot State, was a good and virtuous person promoting the growth of devoutness, honesty, fairness, and uprightness. It is only because of him that Sri Swamiji set up a temporary abode at Akkalkot. Maloji Raje always went for the ’Darshan’ of Sri Swamiji. He sometimes succeeded in convincing Sri Swamiji to come and stay with him at the palace. Rajesaheb made sure that all the comforts and amenities of the State were available for the service of Sri Swamiji.

With the kind blessings of Sri Swamiji, Rajasaheb had a son born in his family. The British Government at the time had dismissed the state Government of Akkalkot, but the same was restored with the kind mercy of Sri Swamiji. Thereafter, all members of the royal family of Rajasaheb became devotees of Sri Swamiji.

Nevertheless, Sri Swamiji also did not refrain from criticizing him for his demerits or drawbacks. Once when Rajasaheb came riding on an elephant to visit and seek the blessings, Sri Swamiji slapped Raje for such a status show and disrespect. Sri Swamiji had also shown his disappointment when Rajesaheb had given shelter to the atrocious and tyrannical Dajeeba Bhosle; Rajesaheb had to endure the fruits of such displeasure of Sri Swamiji. Nonetheless, Sri Swamiji still had a great liking for Maloji Raje. When Rajesaheb was lying in his deathbed, Sri Swamiji personally walked to the palace and gave him the last blessings.

Jayajirao Shinde (Scindia)

Jayajirao Shinde, the Maharaja of Gwalior was a very virtuous, religious, and devoted person. He had no ego of his royal powers. He had great reverence for saints as well as large-hearted and generous people. He sang hymns in the praise of God getting himself deeply absorbed in devotion. When he went to Akkalkot for the ‘Darshan’ of Sri Swami Samarth, the incarnation of Lord Dattatrey, Sri Swamiji was residing in the palace and nobody was allowed to visit. Maharaja Shinde became very distressed, but waited patiently for four days. Sensing his pure devotion, Sri Swamiji came out of the palace and sat under a Vatavriksha. When he got this news, the Maharaja kept aside his royal meal and ran bare footed. He made the offerings and then prostrated in front of Sri Swamiji.

Sri Swamiji resolved all his doubts relating to spiritual matters and divinity. Sri Swamiji gave him some divine experiences too. Maharaja Shinde then said, “I have met a number of saints and ascetics until date, but I did not see such lustre in any of them. I have not seen anyone who can speak such a language and yet give correct answers to the questions. There is no doubt that Sri Swamiji is an incarnation of God”. Maharaja Shinde was fully satisfied when he returned to Gwalior with total devoutness.

Tukojirao Holkar

Tukojirao Holkar of Indore had come for the ‘Darshan’ of Sri Swamiji to Akkalkot. At that time, Sri Swamiji was resting under a Vatvriksha in the courtyard of the house of Anna Arnalkar. As soon as Tukojirao saw Sri Swamiji, he started talking and said, “Maharaj, once you had blessed me with your ‘Darshan’ on Abu Mountain. Now this is the second time you have blessed me.” Tukojirao then realized that Sri Swamiji and Lord Dattatrey are one and the same. He rendered devotional service for four days and then returned to Indore.

Malharrao Gaikwad

Maharaj Malharrao Gaikwad of Baroda greatly desired for Sri Swami Samarth Maharaj to come and stay in Baroda. He believed that even if Sri Swamiji visited Baroda once, Baroda would be blessed and become a holy place with the touch of his lotus feet in that land. Therefore, he made announcement in front of the full house at his royal court, “Whoever brings Sri Swamiji to Baroda, that person would be allotted a big Jahagir and all expenses incurred in bringing Sri Swamiji would be borne by the state”. In his royal court there was one ambitious chieftain by the name of Tatyasaheb. He decided to accept the challenge. Maharaj Gaikwad became very happy and fulfilled all of Tatyasaheb’s requirements including servants, attendants, and money before sending him to Akkalkot.

Once in Akkalkot, Tatyasaheb first took Sri Swamiji’s attendants into his confidence by giving them gifts and then brought up his subject with Sri Swamiji tactfully through these attendants. Sri Swamiji asked Tatyasaheb to offer meals to the Brahmins, sometimes distribute riches or clothing in charity. Tatyasaheb obeyed Sri Swamiji and spend sufficient money. He continued offering meals to the Brahmins. However, Sri Swamiji was himself very quiet and therefore, there was no progress in the matter.

Tatyasaheb then decided to give it another chance. He found out that Sri Swamiji mostly listens to Cholappa. Therefore, he made an offer to Cholappa that if Cholappa were successful in making Sri Swamiji agree to come to Baroda, he would receive an award of a Jahagir. worth ten thousand rupees. This surely tempted Cholappa and he waited for the right moment before finally speaking with Sri Swamiji. He said to Sri Swamiji, “Maharaj, if you agree to go to Baroda, I will be awarded a Jahagir, worth rupees ten thousand”. Sri Swamiji smiled and said, “I would have certainly gone to Baroda, but he does not have any devotional sentiments.”

When Tatyasaheb learned about this, he started reading the Guru-Charitra thoroughly. When this did not give him much success, he plotted a plan with the help of attendants. He thought of a deceptive plan to take Sri Swamiji in a palanquin silently to Kadar station and then further take him in a train all of a sudden to Baroda. A special train was arranged for this journey of Sri Swamiji. Tatyasaheb was very happy for victory up to this point and he proceeded towards the station. With all the security arrangements, the palanquin reached the station. Tatyasaheb came forward to receive Sri Swamiji, but to his surprise the palanquin was empty and Sri Swamiji had disappeared. The entire plan had failed. Finally, Tatyasaheb realized that nobody could take advantage of Sri Swamiji using such petty tricks. He was totally disappointed and finally returned to Baroda.

Later, Maharaj delegated this task to another chieftain, Yashwantrao. When Yashwantrao came to Akkalkot, Sri Swamiji spoke with full enthusiasm, “What is this? Put shackles”. Within two days, Yashwantrao received orders to return and a court case was started against him in Baroda. He was finally punished in a court case connected to feeding poison to someone. Sri Swamiji’s words about putting shackles on Yashwantrao eventually turned out to be true.

Nabab Sir Salarjung

The well-known Dewan [1] Nabab Salarjung of Hyderabad State had great reverence towards Sri Swamiji. He had come to Naldurga, Osmanabad District in Maharashtra with great devotion for the ‘Darshan’ of Sri Swamiji.

A number of such royal personalities were attracted towards Sri Swami Samarth. Several Sardars [2] and Jahagirdars were his devotees. Sri Swamiji was an extraordinary Divine personality with number of undefined attributes. He was not at all concerned with the wealth or grandeur of these Sardars and Jahagirdars that visited him. Sri Swamiji always had a soft heart for true devotion. If Sri Swamiji had gone to Baroda, he would have surely received great honour and prestige. Maharaja Malharao Gaikwad would have laid down his entire regime for the welcome and service of Sri Swamiji, but there was no devotion. How can Sri Swamiji, the incarnation of Lord Dattatrey go there?

[1] Dewan: Prime Minister

[2] Sardars: Chieftains. Generally considered very royal.